Visiting Scholar Benefit Plan Portal
You may enroll in the plans being offered during any day in the month. However, your enrollment is not official until payment is received for your first month’s premium.
Gallagher Benefit Services is pleased to offer the UCLA Visiting Scholar Benefit Plan.
This comprehensive program is comprised of the following plans and insurance carriers:
- Medical:
- Basic Plan - IMG Basic PPO
- Standard Plan - IMG Standard PPO
- Platinum Plan - IMG Platinum PPO
- Dental:
- Dental Health Services - DHMO
- Ameritas - DPPO
Important Information
As a newly appointed Visiting Scholar/Researcher, you are required to be enrolled in an insurance plan that meets the Department of State J-1 Visa requirements beginning the first day of your appointment.
Please submit your enrollment, or waiver if you have alternate coverage, at your earliest convenience to avoid being marked as out of compliance with the University and Department of State.
Health Insurance requirements and eligibility are different depending on your citizenship status as listed below:
Domestic Scholars/Students (U.S. Citizens or U.S. Permanent Residents - “Green Card Holders”)
Domestic Scholars / Students also have the option to enroll in a voluntary Dental Plan that offers a breadth of coverage through either a PPO or HMO model.
U.S. Citizens and U.S. Permanent Residents are not subject to the University’s J Visa Insurance Requirements. However, you do need to provide proof of health insurance. Please submit your health insurance documents using the link below:
International Visiting Scholars
Have the option to enroll in Basic Plan (IMG Basic Plan), Standard Plan (IMG Standard Plan), or Platinum Plan (IMG Platinum Plan).
International Visiting Scholars have the option to enroll in the Dental Plan that offers a breadth of coverage through a PPO or HMO model.
International Visiting Scholars are subject to the U.S. State Department J-1 Visa requirements and any additional requirements imposed by the University.
Information For all International Visiting Scholars with J-1 and J-2 Visas
All International Visiting Scholars must meet the insurance policy requirements listed below:
- $100,000 per accident & illness in medical coverage
- A deductible not to exceed $500 per accident or illness
- Coinsurance that does not exceed 25%
- Medical evacuation coverage must be at least $50,000
- Repatriation coverage must be at least $25,000
- Pre-existing conditions must be covered by the insurance policy with a waiting period no longer than 12 months. Please note: Policy’s with coverage for only “Acute onset of pre-existing conditions” do not meet this requirement.
- Carrier must be at least A- rated or backed by the full faith and credit of the Exchange Visitor's government