The Vanderbilt University Postdoctoral Trainee Benefits Program
The Vanderbilt University Postdoctoral Trainee Benefits Program

Aetna Medical PPO Provider Directory Information

How to choose your Aetna Medical Plan Provider

When you are enrolled in the Aetna PPO medical plan, you do not need to choose a Primary Care Physician (PCP). You simply choose the physician you would like to see at the time you require medical attention. Please print the directions and proceed to the link below to find your physician or specialist:

  1. Click here for the Aetna DocFind Directory.
  2. Scroll down to Geographic Information and select zip code, city or county. We recommend you use your home zip code to narrow your search.
  3. Enter the Distance in Miles.
  4. Select Medical Providers.
  5. Select Specialist.
  6. Under Aetna Standard Plans select Open Choice PPO.
  7. At this point you may either narrow your search by the criteria provided, or view a list of physicians. The physicians will be listed in groups of 50, in alphabetical order.

We thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you and your family.

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